Synchronization settings

Synchronization settings

Synchronization settings

This page describes how to set conditions for synchronization and full synchronization.

The following settings are available here:

  • Synchronization interval

  • Maximum number of Jira projects that can be synchronized in parallel

  • Full synchronization cron

What is cron?

It is a UNIX-based OS program that schedules a program to run at a predetermined time.



On the Jira administration screen, click the [Synchronization settings] button.

【Application screen】


The synchronization settings modal appears. Set values in the following items.

Setting item


Sync interval (min.)

Set the synchronization interval. If it is set to 0, the schedule is stopped, disabling synchronization.

Maximum number of parallel syncing

This is the maximum number of Jira projects that can be synchronized in parallel. Set a value between 1 and 50.

Full Sync Cron Expression

Define a full synchronization schedule using cron expressions.

For example, the default is "0 0 0,5 * * ?".
 It means that synchronization is performed at "00:00:00 and 05:00:00 of each day, each month, and in an unspecified day of the week".

For details on cron expressions, see here (Atlassian website).

The configured full synchronization schedules can be checked in [Upcoming Schedule:] on the modal.


【Synchronization settings modal (Setting)】


After entering the values, click the [Save] button.
 To apply the changed synchronization settings, restart the plug-in.

【Synchronization settings modal (Saving the settings)】


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